Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to Control Yourself at a Party

     So last night I drank tequila with my boyfriend. I don't drink very often; we've gotten to be pretty health conscious, save for that fact that I often gorge myself on cinnamon crunch bagels, and I haven't been drunk in over a month; at least until last night came along. We made a point to have limes, Coke, and salt to go with our shots of tequila, and a Black & Mild. (Coz when we get drunk we like to smoke, too. It was a bad idea, I inhaled on accident and deeply too, my lungs feel like I punched a hole through them right now) Whatever, I can't be a goody goody all the time.
       If I had been at a party or club or something, I would've embarrassed myself deeply, which tells me I need to provide some Do's and Don'ts to prevent my lovely readers from becoming a cautionary tale like me. :) That way, you don't find yourself dancing in your Hello Kitty underwear to Shakira, hugging your toilet and throwing up something you don't recall eating, and waking up early for work still under the influence. Oh, I also painted a coat of watermelon pink on my fingernails, but I was seeing kind of blurry so the color is sloppy, kind of like a watercolor. I didn't bother fixing them, haha.
        DO eat before, or while, you drink. Especially if you don't drink very often. That alcohol will be absorbed very quickly by an empty stomach, especially if you're female (women absorb alcohol faster than men anyway, so become drunker faster!).
         DON'T try to keep up with anybody. My boyfriend was egging me on to drink more, because he was just as trashed as I was, making him pretty stupid, and I listened to him-making me VERY stupid. That's what led me to the whole hugging the toilet thing-I don't regret dancing to Shakira though, even in my underwear, because it was fun. For once I was dancing without worrying about my jiggly thighs. It was nice. On the other hand, I don't recommend that activity in public. But, I digress...
          DO chat people up. But not aggressively. Back when my boyfriend was an addict/partier, he went to loads of parties, a lot of which I didn't even know about because he didn't want to go through the hassle of inviting me, ha! However, I have been to a few, and they totally sucked. I was shy, upset, in emotional turmoil, and overall pathetic. (Perhaps we can get to the "whys" of my past state in a different post) But it totally ruined parties for me. Sure, I had nothing in common with the people that were there (rednecks and I don't get along) and no interest in the activities that were being presented (I don't get along with weed or beer bongs either) but I could've had fun had I had it in me to give it some effort and chat up one of the many girls in cowboy boots that were present. Make the most of your current party situation friends, even if sipping a Cosmo in the VIP lounge in some hip club is more your speed.
           DON'T, under any circumstance, drive drunk! EVER. EVER. My boyfriend currently has a DWI that still isn't behind him and he drove last night like an idiot, bleary eyed and stumbling, just for one more Black & Mild. Dude, have you ever been worried and trashed at the same time? It is no fucking fun. For real. Don't freak out your friends, family, significant other, whoever cares about and loves you, because you've convinced yourself that you're "cool" to drive. Because you're not.
           DO figure out your limit. Do you know how many shots or cans of beer it takes for you to become irresponsible? Figure it out. Get with someone you trust and go get irresponsible. Remember what it took, because it's invaluable, that way you know when you should stop. You should always do your very best to maintain a reasonable amount of control over yourself, so you're not that drunk girl groping everybody that everyone avoids and eventually kicks out.
           DO treat your hangover. Apparently, the best thing for a hangover is a banana milkshake sweetened with honey; according to KGB anyway. Next time, I might try it. Also, after drinking you should be kind to your body. Exercise that liquor, beer (especially beer, so many calories!) out of your system, cleanse cleanse cleanse, eat well, and stay hydrated! And of course, spoil yourself with a hot bubble bath or chocolate or something, although you shouldn't need any excuse at all to treat yourself well ;)

Yep. The evil tequila, Jose himself!